Jake Lloyd, known for portraying Anakin Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,” has recently shared his personal experiences with schizophrenia, which ultimately led to his decision to retire from acting. The film, released in 1999, initially offered him fame, but the years following brought significant challenges.
After spending 18 months in an inpatient mental health facility in Southern California, Lloyd reported feeling “pretty good.” He is currently receiving ongoing treatment at another center, allowing him flexibility in his care. He expressed gratitude for the support he’s received and emphasized the importance of therapy, medication, and honesty in managing his condition.
Lloyd mentioned that despite reaching a low point, his time in rehabilitation helped him accept his diagnosis and commit to treatment. He reflected on these experiences, stating, “I don’t have time to be moody,” referring to the stabilizing effects of medication.
There have been misconceptions about Lloyd’s departure from acting, with some speculating it was due to the mixed reactions to “The Phantom Menace.” However, his mother, Lisa, clarified that his struggles with schizophrenia, diagnosed in 2008, significantly influenced his decision. She asserted that Lloyd’s condition was likely genetic and highlighted her efforts to protect him from negative feedback during his childhood acting career. She noted that, at the time, Lloyd was not affected by the public’s reaction to the film as he was kept away from online commentary.