Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco recently shared a romantic moment through a selfie posted on Instagram. In the photo, the pair is seen cuddling in a cozy armchair, with Gomez looking particularly comfortable as she prepares to kiss Blanco. The couple is dressed in festive attire, including Christmas socks and silver snowflake pajamas, suggesting they were enjoying a casual holiday gathering.
Gomez expressed her warm wishes to her followers, stating, “I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!” Their intimate snapshot comes shortly after Gomez announced her engagement to Blanco earlier in the month. She also showcased her marquise diamond engagement ring in a video, expressing her long-held dreams for this moment.
Their relationship, which has transitioned from professional to personal, began when they collaborated on music in 2019. They recently rekindled their musical partnership, working together on Gomez’s new single “Single Soon.” The couple’s public announcement about their relationship occurred in December 2023, following several months of dating.
Gomez and Blanco seem to be enjoying their time together as they celebrate the holiday season and their engagement.