The cast of the movie “School of Rock” recently came together to celebrate the wedding of two of their co-stars, Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massari. The couple tied the knot at a ceremony attended by several fellow cast members, including those who played prominent roles as band members and friends in the film. This gathering held special significance for the actors, as it marked a reunion over 20 years after the film’s release in 2003.
Footage from the wedding has been shared on social media by former child actors, capturing moments from the event. Rivka Reyes, Robert Tsai, Mariam Hassan, and others were part of the celebration, highlighting the close bonds that have formed since their time working on the film. Both Hale and Massari reflected on their initial meeting during auditions for “School of Rock,” emphasizing the serendipity of their paths crossing at such a young age.
Hale fondly recalled the first time she heard Massari sing during auditions, noting his impressive talent. Their relationship evolved from friendship to romance as they reconnected years later, leading to the wedding celebration.
“School of Rock,” directed by Richard Linklater and featuring Jack Black in a memorable performance, tells the story of a wannabe rock star who poses as a substitute teacher and forms a band with his students. The film’s success has led to a lasting legacy, including a stage adaptation by Andrew Lloyd Webber and continued interest in its soundtrack. Jack Black has even hinted at the possibility of a sequel, sparking enthusiasm among fans.