The documentary “No Other Land,” created by a collaborative team from the Palestinian-Israeli community, continues to achieve significant recognition during awards season, despite its ongoing quest for distribution in the United States. Directed by Hamdan Baral, along with contributors Yuval Abraham, Rachel Scholl, and Basel Adra, the film recently garnered three accolades at the 18th Annual Cinema Eye Honors.
One of the film’s highlights was winning the Outstanding Nonfiction Filmmaking award, the most prestigious honor at the event held at the New York Academy of Medicine on January 9th. Additionally, the directors received the Best Debut Feature award, with Abraham and Adra being recognized for their standout performances in the film.
The Cinema Eye Honors celebrates exceptional achievements in documentary filmmaking, with nominations this year showcasing a variety of notable titles in the nonfiction genre. Other films that received accolades during the ceremony includes “Eno,” “Coup de Soundtrack,” and “Union,” each winning multiple awards for their excellence.The recent award ceremony showcased an array of talented filmmakers and significant works across various categories. Noteworthy awardees included Brian Eno, who received recognition for his outstanding visual design and soundtracks. The film “Coup de Soundtrack” also walked away with accolades for Best Editing, awarded to Rick Chaubet, and Best Sound Design, shared by Ranko Paukovic and Alec Guth. The production team of the film “Union”, comprised of Brett Storey, Stephen Mayne, Mars Verone, Samantha Carly, and Martin DiCicco, was awarded Best Production.
Among the films shortlisted for Best Documentary Feature, “Dahomey” earned Best Director for Mati Diop, while Christopher LaMarca and Emily Cassie took honors for Cinematography for “Sugar Cane”. Additionally, Original Music was awarded to Uno Helmerson for “The Remarkables”. The Audience Choice Award went to “Life of Ibelin”, with “Porcelain War” and “Black Box” also receiving special mention.
HBO had a successful night, clinching four awards across various categories. “It’s Not a Movie. It’s a Play” was recognized in the broadcast film category, while “Telemarketers” won for nonfiction series and “How to with John Wilson” (Season 3) received recognition as an anthology series. Apple also saw success with “Girls State” winning for broadcast editing.
The event highlighted emerging talent as well, with awards for debut feature films and unforgettable contributions in cinema, which recognized works from filmmakers like Shiori Ito for “Black Box Diary”, and Jenna Marvin for “Queendom”.
The complete list of winners illustrates the event’s celebration of both established and up-and-coming creators in the film industry, reflecting a broad spectrum of storytelling and artistic expression.